New freebie *Police Car Action*

i have made a little freebie
for those that make scrapkits!
i made a police car Action!

it has many stops along the way so you can
choose colours along the process!
(the cars in the preview are not included)
you can grab this freebie HERE
if you download it, a thank you wud be nice,
as it takes time to make these things :o)


Maria said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 08 Jul [LA 03:19am, NY 05:19am, UK 10:19am, OZ 08:19pm]).

Shannon Scherz said...

Thank you! Very cute!

Shell said...

Thanks so much this is so cute

Jody said...

Absolutely adorable! Thank you so much for sharing your action with us. I guarantee you will see it in an upcoming kit :-)


Christine said...

Thanks for sharing your hard work with us all. It's much appreciated. This little car is really cute and will come in very useful.